Japanese Curry
A Warm and Aromatic Deligh

Japanese curry is one of those dishes that warms the heart and delights the senses. With its rich history and unique blend of flavours, it’s abeloved staple in modern Japanese cuisine.
Let’s explore the story behind this curry, its ingredients, and why it’s so special.

Origins and Evolution
Picture British sailors introducing curry to Japan in the 19th century.
Since then, it has evolved, blending with local ingredients and Japanese techniques to become the dish we love today. We’ll explore how this fusion of cultures created something special and versatile.
The Unique Taste of Japanese Curry Our Japanese curry stands out with its thick, velvety texture and perfect balance of sweet, salty, and mildly spicy flavours.
At Izakaya Midori, we pride ourselves on using only the finest ingredients. Made from high-quality curry powder and fresh vegetables, our curry sauce is crafted from a blend of authentic spices, and a hint of apple for a natural sweetness that enhances the overall taste. This commitment to quality ensures every bite is rich, aromatic, and satisfying.

Perfect Pairings
The great thing about Japanese curry is that it pairs well with almost anything! The classic is with white rice, but it also goes great with bread (known as kare-pan), noodles (yes, kare udon is a thing!), and more.

Cultural Significance
Japanese curry is more than just a dish; it’s a symbol of comfort and home-cooked meals. Often enjoyed at family gatherings and celebrations, it holds a special place in the hearts of many. It brings people together, whether it’s a quick lunch or a cosy dinner.
If you haven’t yet experienced the unique taste of Japanese curry, come to Izakaya Midori, where every dish is made with love and care.

We look forward to serving you!